Since finding out we were pregnant back in January 2020, myself and Jordan knew we wanted the absolute best for our baby, during pregnancy, birth and beyond. We heard about hypnobirthing through our friend who was teaching, Claudia at Labour of Love Hypnobirthing. After joining a taster session we knew this was how we wanted to prepare for the birth of our baby. The course was so interesting. We both took a huge amount from each session, more than we ever thought.
For all parents to be during 2020, there was a huge amount of uncertainty and worry surrounding the exciting thought of having a baby. Jordan was unable to attend our 20 week scan, loved ones missed out on my quickly growing bump and antenatal classes were not an option.
Fast forward to September, we had gotten through the first lockdown and restrictions had been lifted slightly, we arrived at our 40 week midwife appointment 3 days after our ‘due’ date. I was offered a sweep, which I turned down and I was booked in for an induction a week or so later. That afternoon we had to pop to the hospital to check on the baby’s heart beat. All was fine so we carried on with our day.
Around 6.30pm we went for a walk, I felt a trickle, thinking I had just wet myself being so heavily pregnant. That evening whilst eating dinner, I felt another trickle along with some mild period pains so we called The Bluebell birth centre. We arrived with the feelings getting stronger and we were able to stay so settled into our room.
By 11pm I was 3cm dilated, however my heart rate was high so we were advised to leave for the labour ward. On labour ward we had the most incredible midwife, Kate. She understood that we were a hypnobirthing couple and helped me with my breathing techniques. I was labouring very quickly and by 3am I was 6cm. My surges were much stronger, I was using gas and air, a tens machine and my breathing techniques to get through each one, whilst listening to my affirmations on repeat, Jordan played an invaluable part supporting me by holding my hand, offering words of support and breathing with me. By 6am I was fully dilated. I pushed for 2 hours but no sign of baby. The midwife suggested we take advice from a consultant.
After a number of examinations it was advised we go to theatre for either a forceps delivery or c-section. Jordan took control asking all the right question to understand our options. We were both happy that this was the right decision for myself and our baby as her position had changed during labour a natural birth would have been to risky. We were comfortable with our decision. We had to wait 1 hour or so before we could go to theatre as a more urgent case took priority. My midwife and Jordan supported me to use my breathing techniques to get through each surge rather than pushing as there was pressure on the babies head which was causing swelling. This went against everything my body wanted to do. We arrived in theatre where the decision was made to go with a c-section.
Despite a complete change of environment, my hypnobirthing practise allowed me to remain calm and in control for the duration.
Listening to my own playlist, with Jordan by my side, our beautiful baby girl Florence was born into a calm and loving environment at 9.45am on Monday 21st September.

Although, our plan A was to birth in a midwifery led unit completely naturally, special circumstances arose. Without hypnobirthing, I could have felt fear, lack of control and worry. It gave us the power to ask questions and understand our options giving us confidence in the most daunting circumstances.

Thank you so much Claudia, your course was inspirational and we are so pleased we did it ❤
Your support and guidance throughout our pregnancy really helped us throughout all stages of our birth. It gave Jordan the confidence to ask questions and support me and it gave me the tools to concentrate on birthing our baby.
Laura, Jordan and baby Florence xxx